The boys are going to Camp Anawanna, summer home of counselor Ug, lovable dolt Donkeylips, and the sentient piece of human garbage Budnick. There are other kids too. One likes basketball. If you consider that a personality trait.
'Zeke the Plumber' (otherwise titled as 'Ghost Story') is Salute Yours Shorts most infamous episode. The tale of an undead plumber with a cut-off nose and his cursed plunger is certainly memorable, but is it as scary as we through? Kevin, Paul, and Chad discuss this episode of pranks, spiders, and ruffled potato chips.
OFF-TOPICS: Kevin's Birthday Month begins now! A discussion of birthday existentialism follows. Every day is an internet holiday. Hot Dogs and the greatest meal that Kevin has ever eaten (it was a hot dog). #SaveGoosebuds
TV Discussion starts at 15:51