Paul and Chad are joined by comedian and star fighter Jacquie Baker (The Incredible Shrinking Matt & Jacquie, Spooky Squad) to talk about one of the strangest books in the Goosebuds bibliography. Experience the horror of slowly turning into a flightless bird and then refusing to tell anyone about it! Hey Goosebuddies, if you're ever cursed by a witch or warlock, reach out to a friend or loved one; tell them you're becoming a farm animal. We hope you enjoy this story of coder parents, cabincore lifestyles, and finger-lickin' fear.
OFF-TOPICS: Web rings, Flat Earth Gallagher, Indiana fight songs
BOOK DISCUSSION begins: 19:00
Check out Jacquie's comedic work:
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
One of Chad's greatest fears is being suddenly detached from Earth's gravity and flung into space. So we read a fun book that totally doesn't evoke any of those terrors! Paul and Chad are joined by game master and editor Kevin Cole (Space Kings, Pretend Friends, SuperTry Studios) to discuss this tale of forbidden flying techniques. Have a good holiday, everyone. Stay safe!
Book discussion begins: 15:35
OFF-TOPICS: Lou Bega's Mobile Bodega, More JuiceTalk, The Adventures of Pete & Pete
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Pee-ew! This book stinks! But that doesn't mean we don't have a blast discussing it. Paul and Chad are joined by nostalgia historian Raven Simone (aka @Bobdunga92) to cover this tale of hidden basement tombs, the time traveling power of smoke bombs, and why being a vampire is better than human reality. Enjoy!
OFF TOPICS: The deep lore of Talespin X The Jungle Book, Beyblade Assassins, and Leg-Arm Beast Humans.
Actual book discussion begins at 11:40.
Check out Raven's YT channel at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Happy Halloween, Goosebuddies! The boys take a detour into the horrifying and grisly realm of Shivers - a knock off Goosebumps series. This book "The Awful Apple Orchard'' isn't lying with its title but we had a great time discussing this story of ghost cars, apple cider, and sudden grisly child gore.
OFF-TOPICS: The invention of fear, ghost screams, Destination Truth, and how there hasn’t been a funny joke on Twitter since 2012.
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Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
In the ancient era of the 1990s telephones were considered novel devices, almost alien. There was no caller ID, touch screens, or ringtones. They were just plastic boxes sending voices out to numbers across the wires. You ordered pizza, called cute boys, and reported murders and that was it. In this episode we travel back to Fear Street, where three teens' reckless prank calls pull them into a bizarre murder mystery. Thankfully we're joined by Josie Campbell (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Jurassic Park: Camp Cretaceous) who practically grew up on Fear Street and she has being hilarious on speed dial.
OFF-TOPICS: We pretty much get right into the book on this one!
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Despite everything that's happened in 2020, football seasons has returned to The Americas. Let's celebrate with the CYOA book Back To Pass: A Choose To Win Book! You maniacs on our Patreon voted for this title and boy did this adventure go out of bounds immediately. Paul and Chad try to survive on the hard streets of failure and become a true Handegg Throwing Champion (that's what they call QB in the south). Hope Coach Dom is proud of us.
OFF-TOPICS: The dangers of gray eye water, sharing our crying moments.
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Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Paul and Chad are joined by Leighton Gray (Dream Daddy, Fullbright) to discuss one of her favorite Goosebump books-- a collection of short stories. The problem is... these books are titled very confusingly and we all read different stuff. We still had a blast covering this sampler platter 'mini-bumps' with Leighton and hope you enjoy it too.
OFF-TOPICS: Dead By Daylight masochism, mechanical keyboard ASMR.
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
What better way to beat the summer (and global) heat than with a spooky story of snowmen? Paul and Chad are joined by writer and Dungeon Master TK Johnson (@tkjoinsthefray) to discuss what happens when you find out your mom doinked a snowman. Learn about a poor girl who is dragged away from the basketball renaissance of the 90s Chicago Bulls to a frozen tundra with nothing to do but wander into peoples yards. Enjoy the episode!
OFF-TOPICS: Cheating on the Pizza Hut Readers Club, Scholastic Book Fairs
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Paul and Chad are joined by Internet Funny Boy Octopimp (voice actor, Twitch performance artist) to cover R.L.'s story of pumpkin-headed monsters and endless trick 'r treating. In retrospect with the pandemic maybe covering your face with produce isn't the worst idea in the world but let's see if these dumb kids can survive this adventure with one of the more bizarre twists in recent Goosebuds memory. We had a blast commiserating about the old internet days and hope you enjoy this episode. We love you all. Stay safe.
OFF-TOPICS: Alex and Chad's backstage history with video game YouTubers, Ninja Tyler Muscle God.
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
The Goosebuds Boyz are back for another Adventure! Chosen by our wonderful Patreon supporters... is Animorphs Alternamorphs #1 The First Journey! Veteran Yeerk Expert Chad has little memory of this non-canon excursion but he DM's for Paul and Dom as they roleplay young student Flim Flam who tumbles into the Animorph adventure. What animal form will Flim Flam turn into? A duck? A cockroach? Will the boys ever get to make an actual choice? Will Chad turn their minds to mush with deep Hork-Bajir lore? Enjoy the episode and stay safe out there. We love you.
OFF TOPICS: Hugo Raving, wizard peer pressure, Christopher Lee's ancient heavy metal.
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Well, that's certainly one way to title a Goosebumps book. Paul and Chad are joined by game designer and our very own editor Kevin Cole (Space Kings, Haque) to talk about a legend unknown to both our heroes and the book's author. This story of cultural theft, imaginary European territories, and wind-up wives astounds the Goosebuds Boys and makes for some lively discussion. Enjoy!
OFF-TOPICS: Jay-Z's mental call-outs, Fast Break Power Bars, the myth of Puppywish Canyons, Moby is maybe a secret creep, Time To Wolf.
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds apparel at goosebuds.merch
Want to contact us?
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds merch at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds merch at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds merch at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
The Goosebuds boys are alive, kicking, and craving Adventure! With Dom Moschitti DM'ing, can Chad and Paul survive becoming vampires? We completely miss the evil poodle advertised on the book cover so if you had any reservations about undead dogs, worry not. Mostly we consider if we should kill our annoying friend. Other topics: lesser known cures for Vampirism, processing the beginning of the Corona pandemic and how to catch it (OBVIOUSLY GOOFS AND NOT REAL INFO), Crazy Frog and his infectious Frogmania, how Halloween is the worst day to be a small dork, and we reveal some long awaited Goosebuds merch!
You can support the show and gain access to bonus episodes and more at
Dress your skeleton with Goosebuds merch at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
This is a How I Met Your Mother-ish episode as R.L. invites readers to figure out just how exactly one got their voodoo gift. Hopefully the ending will be more satisfying than Ted marrying a girl he never met until the final season. Anyway... join Paul, Dom, and Chad as they discuss this story about Jungle Magic, an overzealous anthropologist aunt, and shouting Kah-Le-Ah a bunch! Enjoy the episode!
OTHER TOPICS: hidden bookcase Kirbys, smooth corn, and ranking Indiana Jones’ love interests.
You can support the show and gain access to bonus episodes and more at
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Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Goosebuds is back with one of the last titles in the core Goosebumps bibliography. The boys really goose'd up this book read. Thankfully Paul is there to save Chad and Dom with a tale of inside-the-house-phone-calls and child head trauma.
OTHER TOPICS: Kingdom Hearts II deaths, honestly scary Bumps books, peak scary bees, No no no no no, living grass, a creative call for a Goosebuds EDM song, The Jillow™.
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You can support the show and gain access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Pack your bags because we're booked at a haunted hotel! The Goosebuds Boyz cover another Give Yourself Goosebumps title filled with twists and turns and many plots unrelated to monstrous motels. With Dom returning as the 'DM', Paul & Chad must choose wisely.
Can you believe we've recorded 75 episodes of this show? It's been a blast these past 5+ years. Thank you for all the love and listens. Cheers to 2020. May we all survive it.
Other Topics: Punch Wizards, Religious Scientists in Hollywood, flicking the tip, and Dom's gun safety.
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You can support the show and gain access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
The final issue in this Goosebuds RPG mini-arc comes to a 'Game Over' as Dom, Paul, and Chad fight their way through the Super Gentendo game system. By transforming into horrifying plumber/freedom fighters, they become their true selves. This episode is For Your Consideration, nominated in the podcast awards category of Butt Kicking and Heart Stomping. Can the boys (and T-Bone) survive DM Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)'s custom Space Kings adventure and learn the secret of "Dan"?
Want to hear more? Contact us at
You can support the show and gain access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
We jump right into the audio adventure, with our heroes trapped in an alternate reality videogame console. Join Chad, Paul and Dom as they fight through DM Kevin Cole's 90s adventure using the Space Kings gameplay system. In this episode the boys roleplay dads, fight Shalhoub the Video Djin, give ten fingers, and deal out some brutal, neck-snapping melee flips.
And our wonderful DM and editor Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole) has launched the Kickstarter for Space Kings-- the system we use for Goosebuds RPG!
You can support the show and get access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
You demanded more episodes in the Goosebuds RPG and damn it we're having such a good time we'd still play this even if we weren't recording! The boys (big brother Chad, little brother Paul, and dog brother Dom) are still trapped in a 90s nightmare world run by our DM Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole). The boys contemplate patricide, clean up the crime scene that was Jimmy's house, play alternate reality video games, rewrite 90s pop culture, avoid carbon monoxide (the silent killer), and pee ward their house.
OTHER TOPICS: The deep McDark Universe lore and Chad's McAmerica Sandwich aka The Chapple,
And our wonderful DM and editor Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole) has launched the Kickstarter for Space Kings-- the system we use for Goosebuds RPG
You can support the show and get access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
Zip up your hoodie, Goosebuddies; it's Halloween Timez and our podcast power grows stronger! Also what better way to celebrate the autumn season than a story that jumps back and forth between temperate California and snowy Alaska? The Goosebuds Boys Dom, Paul, and Chad are joined by Jordan Morris (Bubble, Jordan Jessie Go, Unikitty!, @midnight) to discuss R.L.'s tale of misunderstood yetis, frozen children and magic snowballs. We also learn about Young Jordan's entry into Goosebumps, his big fears, and his Orange County know-how.
OTHER TOPICS: love of big boy superheroes, the Abominable Ang Lee, and the McDark Universe.
You can support the show and get access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
You can support the show and get access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (
The Goosebuds roleplaying adventure returns! Having jumped the literal threshold of their neighbor's fence, the boys face a haunted house armed only with their wits, stolen cable parts, and the unstoppable ally T-Bone. Can Paul, Dom, and Chad find their way back to adulthood? Or will they be trapped in an eternal 90s adolescence, sucking down apple cider with Tina? Enjoy this horrifying and hilarious tour of Dungeon Master Kevin Cole's (@RealKevinCole) take on the Goosebumps mythos.
You can support the show and get access to bonus episodes and more at
Edited by Kevin Cole (@RealKevinCole)
Original music by Seth Earnest (